Stella Nova Studios

Manhattan Crawl Home

the Pitch

Manhattan Crawl is Looking for a Home


Manhattan Crawl was developed from the personal observations and writing experience of the creator, Robert Rosenbaum. As a playwright and screenwriter, Robert found the atmosphere and charisma of the New York nightlife a subject ripe with stories, which he began to develop into a pilot script. After the pilot was optioned, Robert expanded the idea into a series, complete with the quirky individuals and the recurring characters necessary for a long-running hit. A full season was outlined and four full episodes were written. (The scripts for those episodes are available here online.)

With the creative assistance of former child-star Mason Reese, this idea was realized in a trial episode,
viewable here. Rather than shooting the pilot, Robert chose to shoot an episode in the middle of the first season as a demo show for the series. Episode 9 - "She's Back" - was chosen for production because it captured the classic nature of the show and the characters.

Produced by Stella Nova Studios, it was filmed on location in Manhattan. The purpose was to more fully explore and illustrate the dramatic and creative possibilites of the series. It was a crucial, educational step in the maturation of his initial ideas.

Stella Nova Studios, the current producer of Manhattan Crawl, is seeking cable or network production, or a producing partner to support the production of the series. Stella Nova Studios welcomes any interest or questions in this regard.

We look forward to hearing from you.

Manhattan Crawl is looking for a home.
Click here for more information.



3 minute Promo      


Full 30 minute Episode


3 minute Music Video